

  • 片名:辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]
  • 类型: 电影解说
  • 主演:Dan,Castellaneta,Nancy,Cartwright
  • 导演:Rob,Oliver
  • 年份:1990
  • 地区:美国
  • 热度:888
  • 收藏:165
  • 评分:7.0
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-07-05 01:07:02
  • 简介:  -SIMPSONS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE  After Bart's tattoo removal, Homer's failure as a department store Santa, and a bad day at the dog track, Christmas prospects look dim for the Simpsons. But Homer seizes the day and, with the help of Santa's Little Helper, blunders home with the best gift at all - something to share the family's love. And frighten prowlers. A holiday classic!!  -MR. PLOW  Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. Homer sends Barney into an avalanche, then feels guilty and saves his life.  -MIRACLE ON EVERGREEN TERRACE  Bart inadvertently burns down the Simpsons' Christmas tree, and claims that burglars did it. The town opens its heart to the family, only to turn on them when the truth is discovered.  -GRIFT OF THE MAGI  Bart is confined to a wheelchair and Springfield Elementary must construct ramps accessible to him. To pay for the construction, a corporation takes over the school and uses the children to design the nest must-have Christmas toy.  -SHE OF LITTLE FAITH  Homer and BAart collaborate on a model rocket which destroys The First Church of Springfield. To raise money for repairs, the church sells advertising space, outraging Lisa - who becomes a Buddhist, with the help of guest star Richard Gere.
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首页 电影解说 辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]


《辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]》  -SIMPSONS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE  After Bart's tattoo removal, Homer's failure as a department store Santa, and a bad day at the dog track, Christmas prospects look dim for the Simpsons. But Homer seizes the day and, with the help of Santa's Little Helper, blunders home with the best gift at all - something to share the family's love. And frighten prowlers. A holiday classic!!  -MR. PLOW  Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. Homer sends Barney into an avalanche, then feels guilty and saves his life.  -MIRACLE ON EVERGREEN TERRACE  Bart inadvertently burns down the Simpsons' Christmas tree, and claims that burglars did it. The town opens its heart to the family, only to turn on them when the truth is discovered.  -GRIFT OF THE MAGI  Bart is confined to a wheelchair and Springfield Elementary must construct ramps accessible to him. To pay for the construction, a corporation takes over the school and uses the children to design the nest must-have Christmas toy.  -SHE OF LITTLE FAITH  Homer and BAart collaborate on a model rocket which destroys The First Church of Springfield. To raise money for repairs, the church sells advertising space, outraging Lisa - who becomes a Buddhist, with the help of guest star Richard Gere.


  • 1996
    4.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,渊崎由里子,保志总一朗,田中秀幸,大塚芳忠,古川登志夫,辻亲八,深雪早苗,八奈见乘儿,玄田哲章,大泷进矢,盐泽兼人,纳谷六朗,高田由美,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,大冢智子,茶风林,坂东尚树,小山由香里,白石文子,志乃宫风子,三木真一郎,柳泽荣治,雪野五月,雏形明子
  • 2017
    7.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,森川智之,兴梠里美,泽城美雪,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,小西克幸,久野美咲,七绪春日,铃木玲子,伊藤静,大泷进矢,松尾佳子,村松康雄,引田有美,田村由香里,雪野五月,松山鹰志,大西健晴,福田信昭,津田匠子,行成桃姬,平井启二,半田裕典,荒井聪太,志田未来,萤原彻,宫迫博之
  • 2017
    6.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,森川智之,兴梠里美,真柴摩利,悠木碧,柿原彻也,泽海阳子,小林由美子,长岛雄一,齐藤次郎,真山亚子,宇垣秀成,羽鸟靖子,鸟海胜美,鱼建,岛田敏,土师孝也,屋良有作
  • 2016
    5.0 矢岛晶子,森川智之,楢桥美纪,兴梠里美,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,玄田哲章,井上喜久子,茶风林,大泷进矢,野川樱,永岛由子,町田政则,浦山迅,玉川纱己子,萩森侚子,大冢智子,阪口大助,大本真基子,青森伸,猪口有佳,森久保祥太郎,吉野裕行
  • 1999
    2.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,兴梠里美,小川真司,引田有美,田村由香里,折笠爱,岩永哲哉,中村大树,家弓家正,纳谷六朗,高田由美,富泽美智惠,三石琴乃,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,玄田哲章,盐泽兼人,茶风林,长嶝高士,玉川纱己子,萩森侚子,大冢智子,伊仓一惠,星野千寿子,户田秋子,京田尚子,稀代樱子,纱由里,大塚瑞惠,阪口大助,草地章江,千叶一伸,大西健晴,臼井仪人,丹波哲郎
  • 2005
    10.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,兴梠里美,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,纳谷六朗,高田由美,铃木玲子,玄田哲章,大泷进矢,小樱悦子,坂井真纪,乡里大辅,福圆美里,大川透,大西健晴,中村千绘,濑那步美,岩波裕,小林真彦,佐佐木隆行,东明弘,前野强,佐佐木正洋,波田阳区,村井国夫
  • 2008
    7.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,兴梠里美,真柴摩利,堀江由衣,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,纳谷六朗,高田由美,富泽美智惠,宫本充,佐久间玲,本田贵子,玄田哲章,小樱悦子,饭塚昭三,茶风林,乡里大辅,大西健晴,间宫胡桃,金田朋子,银河万丈,屋良有作
  • 1998
    10.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,兴梠里美,三石琴乃,玄田哲章,山寺宏一,松岛美野里,速水奖,盐泽兼人,纳谷六朗,高田由美,富泽美智惠,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,泷口顺平,增冈弘,中博史,千叶一伸,中岛聪彦,佐藤佑子,沼田祐介,引田有美,臼井仪人,石田太郎
  • 2012
    4.0 野泽雅子,林原惠美,玄田哲章,平田广明,岛田敏,山像香,山口胜平,水岛裕,兴梠里美,阪口大助,熊井统子,小林由美子,三瓶由布子,大浦冬华,楠大典,中博史,渡边久美子,加藤优子,园崎未惠,泷知史,川田绅司,木村雅史,大畑伸太郎,新垣樽助,鹤冈聪,奈良彻,粕谷雄太,藤本教子,大林洋平,金田晶,北大路欣也
  • 2018
    7.0 冈田准一,黑木华,小松菜奈,松隆子,妻夫木聪,石田惠理,青木崇高,柴田理惠,仲野太贺,志田爱珠,蜷川美穗,伊集院光